Our source of life - WATER
Water is life, without water we can’t live. Research has shown that we can go without food for days, but without water we will not survive for long.
How important is clean water for us?
Water makes up 70% of our body. Water is everywhere. For our body systems to function optimally it needs enough water. Even a 2% drop in water levels indicates your body is in dehydration mode, causing body systems to slow down.
Our source of life - WATER | ICO Healthy living
Drinking water has changed over the years. It’s not possible to just drink water from the tap these days. With studies finding over 316 chemicals in tap water and regulated guidelines that vary from country to country. So what has happened to our quality of water?? Running water from mountain streams is only a dream for many of us. With more pollution in the air, more people on the planet that litter, the governments had to find a plan how to supply water that is safe for consumption. But is it really??
Research has shown that water today has been loaded with toxic chemicals like chlorine and chloramines. Some even add fluoride, and other toxins in the water from pollution include; heavy metals (lead, copper, arsenic), herbicide (atrazine), hexavalent chromium-6, radioactive particles, benzene (from oil), pesticides and pharmaceutical drugs. The list is long and it scares me to think that we can consume most of these toxins on a daily basis. All playing a detrimental role as endocrine disruptors, causing imbalances of hormones. And causing serious developmental, neurological, reproductive and immune effects.
Don’t get relaxed yet. Are you drinking bottled water? Some scientists believe that there is no reason to believe that bottled water is safer than tap water. Plastic bottled water has more hidden dangers than you think. A German-led study found that a single bottle of bottled water contained nearly 25,000 chemicals. Plastic water bottles, in any size, has at some point laid in the sun (true in Dubai). Exposure to warm temperatures are to believe to accelerate leaching. Plastic bottles contains BPA, BPS, PET and many other chemical ingredients, which are all endocrine disruptors, especially anti-estrogens and anti-androgens. Causing higher risk of respiratory and skin irritation issues and hormone imbalances. Some laboratory testing found high levels of cancer-causing chlorination byproducts. With constant chemicals bombarding your body it gets more difficult for your lymphatic system to clean out your body. Constant exposure to these toxins can have detrimental effects on our health, including weight gain, depression, anxiety, miscarriages and Alzheimer’s.
How to make sure you get pure clean water in your body?
Your best bet will be to install a good water purification system in your home. You can do this for drinking and cooking water, as well as add filters onto taps & showers for bathing. There are various types of filtering methods, and you should select one that works best with your family’s lifestyle and budget. Most people in Dubai tend to rent homes, the extra cost of installing a water purification system just doesn’t seem to make sense to most. If you do have a system in place always make sure to drink from glass or stainless steel. Avoid plastic, invest in a glass or stainless steel bottle.
So what are my options then?
How to get pure clean water in an easy affordable way?
South Africa based company, Kuro-Bó supply activated charcoal sticks. What is it, and how does it work you might think?
Kuro-Bo Activated Charcoal is the first and only 100% plastic-free, natural and recyclable water filter in Africa. Activated charcoal, has been used for centuries in Japanese culture turning tap water into filter and purify water. The charcoal attracts positively-charged toxins (like e.Coli bacteria) and heavy metals (lead, chlorine and mercury), and draws them out of the water, while depositing beneficial minerals into the water. Activated charcoal also balances the water’s pH, and improving the taste of tap water. A single stick of Kuro-Bo charcoal can give you up to 3 months of cleaner, healthier, better-tasting water, filtering up to 3 liters of water at a time.
Interested?? If you are in South Africa, you can contact Kuro-Bó directly @ www.kuro-bo.com or shop at various health shops.If you live in Dubai, please let me know if you interested. We hope to bring Kuro-Bó activated charcoal sticks to Dubai soon!
Finally, if you have to buy bottled water, buy water in glass bottles.
It’s every individual’s right to receive clean, toxic free water.