Are you unhappy with your child's poop? Do they abstain for a few days and then grunt and sweat when in the toilet? This is a sensitive subject for many and mostly being push under the carpet. But lets get that bowel works out in the open today.
Constipation can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms that can last throughout the whole day — including bloating, gas, low back pain, and even anxiety or fatigue.
We see it all to often, most kids eating a white diet. A diet filled with white pasta, white rice, sugar, chicken nuggets, shop juices and little to no vegetables and fiber. Your child is most probably low in fiber. Fiber is needed to help smooth bowl movements, to remove the unwanted stuff out of the body.Vegetables and fruits are loaded with fiber. We need fiber with plenty of water to keep our bowls moving and to remove waste and toxins out of our bodies. For good health our bowls need to work 1-2 times per day.
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