Autoimmnune Disease - You are not alone

Autoimmnune Disease - You are not alone

In the past few weeks many tears have rolled down our cheeks. Still if I think about it all and our road ahead I get tears in my eyes. Doubt and questions fill my head. How was it possible that for a second time in 2 short years my eldest son was diagnosed again with an autoimmune disease. With a background in health and nutrition you might think we have been eating and living healthy. But what is healthy eating and living! And why hasn't it been enough for his small body to fight off disease.

At the age of 5, when he was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism we removed gluten from his diet. We changed to filtered water, natural household products, and natural beauty products. Decreasing the toxic load entering our home and our bodies. We did (and still do) regular detox baths. But soon enough treat meals sneaked in. Still we mainly ate a whole food based diet. Special occasions and weekends were more relaxed with a cheat meal or treat. Fast forward to today, and he suffers from Vitiligo too.


When diagnosed with Vitiligo we decided to do a food intolerance test. Knowing that one man's food, is another man's poison. This could have been the case here, feeding my son a vegetable or fruit which in general is healthy but what cause him inflammation and an attack of his immune system on his thyroid and now his skin.

The results showed the main food culprits: gluten, grains, eggs, diary, soya, some nuts and a few other food including peas, potatoes and guava.

His diet (our family diet) has changed a lot. I now looked back and think our diet was fairly oke, although compare to others probably good.

With my knowledge and support of mentors I believe we are back on track. He follows a diet mainly of grass-fed pastured meats, vegetables and fruit. He also started a supplemental protocol - individualized for his needs to recover & heal his body. Plus a detox protocol to help his gut, liver and lymph remove unwanted toxins.

Autoimmnune Disease - You are not alone

Most days are going well, but we have tough days. Going out, travel, special occasions, birthdays leave us most days with tears. But we stand strong and look forward to the bigger picture. It might take a year or longer but as a family we will heal my son and get his health back on track. Thats a promise.

So why am I writing about this? About my son’s health issues? Basically to inform you, that we are just a normal family, with health issues. That we are not perfect. That no matter what health problem you or your child might have, I can help. I understand and I do have compassion for your situation. More than you think. I know that its not always easy. That despite my background in health & clinical nutrition I am also just a mom trying to heal my son from autoimmune disease. And no matter what doctors say, I do believe it’s possible to heal the body. Given the correct nutrition, supplementation and using alternative therapies.